When, where, and how can I get these passes?

Adventurer Passes can be free minted on the official website.

Goblin and Collector Passes can be purchased on the marketplace.

What happens after my pass expired? Can it be renewed automatically with authorised payments?

All passes will be issued with carefully designed limits and purchasers cannot secure a seat after their passes expire. You can try to purchase or free mint once again while the market is open.

What happens when I own multiple passes? Can they unleash special effects?

Speaking of maximized earnings and perks, one account can use one Goblin Pass plus one Collector Pass. Other passes can be topped up after at least one of them expires.

What if I own mystery boxes that contain rare NFT body parts?

If you have purchased mystery boxes, you’re holding epic and legendary NFT body parts that no one else will easily gain in the game. They will help you to start the game with advantages and advance your journey more smoothly.

No matter you have a pass or not, the NFTs you have purchased can be freely topped up to the game or withdrawn later to the marketplace.

Last updated